Sunday, August 27, 2006

BLZ又有大动作,SC2.0 2007年发出

在德国“莱比锡游戏展2006(Game Convention 2006)”大展上,美国暴雪公司(Blizzard)首席运营官Paul Sams暗示,《星际争霸2(Starcraft2)》将有可能在2007年面世.



  在游戏展的现场,暴雪的首席运营官Paul Sams被IGN的记者逮了个正着。在访谈中,他表示:“《星际争霸》绝对一直是我最喜欢的游戏。可能你们已经知道了,我们公司毫无疑问会继续开发《星际争霸》和《暗黑破坏神》的后续游戏作品。相信我,当我们公布《星际争霸2》的那一时刻,我将会是全世界最高兴的人。”

  你没看错,就是《星际争霸2》!不过可能Paul Sams也意识到自己不能说得太多,之后只表示了将在2007年公布一个重要作品,及目前“至少”正在开发三款未公布的作品。当被问及这些游戏时,他解释道:“我希望大家明白我们不满足于只做一个网游公司,其他的一些公司只开发网络游戏但暴雪不同,我们允许开发人员选择他们想开发的游戏,不一定非得是网游。

GC 2006: StarCraft 2 Hints Dropped?
Is StarCraft 2 currently in the works? What other titles does Blizzard have stashed away for both PC and console?
by Tal Blevins
August 24, 2006 - While our meeting with Blizzard Chief Operating Officer Paul Sams today at the German Games Convention mainly focused on The Burning Crusade, the upcoming expansion for World of Warcraft, we did ask him about what the future holds in store for Blizzard, and specifically about StarCraft 2.

"StarCraft is my absolutely favorite game of all time," Sams told us. "As you probably already know, there is no doubt that we will continue the StarCraft and Diablo franchise, and trust me, I will be the happiest person in the world when we announce StarCraft 2."
While Sams wasn't ready to spill the beans just yet, he did say Blizzard "will have a major product announcement in 2007," and that Blizzard was currently working on at least three other unannounced titles at the moment.

In terms of what these games could be, we asked if they would fall in line with the major success Blizzard has had with World of Warcraft. "I want to be clear that we're not just content to be an MMO company," Sams explained. "Some other companies get into the role of making just MMOs, but Blizzard lets the developers pick what they want to work on, and it's not all MMOs."

When asked about StarCraft: Ghost, Sams said that it was on indefinite hold, but that Blizzard wasn't averse to exploring further console development in the future. "We've been up to MS and they've been at our office talking about Vista and 360," Sams said, "and we're certainly excited about some of the tools they have to offer in the console world as well as with Vista and DirectX 10. However, with our own online gaming service, we're going to pick and choose what we want to use; we're going to protect and make sure ranks supreme."

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